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Daily log of ridiculous errors and more in medical records

I have decided to start blogging about all the different medical errors I find in the numerous medical records I review. I get patients applying from different clinics across the state because so many of them are running scared. They have been prescribing pain medications up to this point, many of them with terrible documentation. Some providers have never completed pain agreements or Material Risk Notices with their patients. Some don’t ever seem to check the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) website; if they do, they really don’t look at the data, because they will claim it is fine, but there are errors present. Providers can’t read or refuse to read urine drug tests properly. Recently had a patient cut off pain medications due to the provider being too prejudiced to do a formal confirmation test. The patient tested positive for Methamphetamine on the in-office drug cup test, which is well known to produce errors. All major medical societies and testing companies recommend confirmation testing BEFORE making any clinical decisions. The provider did send the test out for confirmation. It came back negative for Methamphetamine; so the patient passed. The next time the drug cup tested positive for Methamphetamine, the provider refused to send it out for confirmation. Obviously she just wanted to get rid of the patient rather than do her job properly. This is just one of the many examples of incompetence, prejudice, and more that I see and have decided to start reporting in this blog.

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