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ADAPT is all about the money, not the care of the patient

Yet again I have received a bill from ADAPT regarding medical records that they have sent us while trying to assess a patient who saw them for drug addiction issues. Standard courtesy for the majority of medical offices is to provide such records at no charge. About the only place I see that fails to honor this courtesy is some chiropractor offices and ADAPT.

They make millions per year through federal and state grants, billing excessive rates to insurance companies, and charging patients for care ordered by courts. It’s a shame that they don’t put all that money to work caring for the patients in a much better manner, because if they were to be rated on their success rates, they would FAIL. It’s too bad their grants aren’t tied to such scores, because they would be out of business really quick.

Here’s a copy of their last invoice:

“Our standard fee for forwarding information from our client files to an organization is $25.00. Please remit to the address above within 15 days.” (italics is their emphasis)

The address is ADAPT, P.O. Box 1121, 548 SE Jackson, Suite 1, Roseburg, OR 97470. Sent by Hannah Truitt, Admin Office Support,

My policy is that we will pass this fee on to the patient requesting our care, because unlike ADAPT we don’t overcharge for services and don’t get grants to waste on high salaries and such. In order to keep care affordable to patients, we can’t afford to pay for these record fees from every office that bills us for records.

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